For each of the 21 races in the Formula 1 Season, Brembo will be compiling a practical “IN-DEPTH LOOK AT THE USE OF BRAKES” which summarises the main instrumentally measured braking parameters for each circuit.
This data is provided directly by Brembo technicians working at the circuits using the know-how gained over years of experience in the most prestigious motorsports.
The infographics created for each championship circuit collects the outline specifications and explains the technical data for the key braking points using a clear, intuitive diagram.
The “IN-DEPTH LOOK AT THE USE OF BRAKES” shows the speed at the start and end of braking, braking time and distance, maximum deceleration, maximum brake lever force and braking force on each bend.
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*in chronological order
Brembo Brake Facts:
An animation illustrating the key braking points in each circuit complete with the most significant technical data analysed by Brembo engineers.
Rd.01 Australian GP
F1 Brembo Brake Facts Australia 2016
Rd.02 Bahrain GP
F1 Brembo Brake Facts Bahrain 2016
Rd.03 Chinese GP
F1 Brembo Brake Facts China 2016
Rd.04 Russian GP
F1 Brembo Brake Facts Sochi 2016
Rd.05 Spanish GP
F1 Brembo Brake Facts – Spagna Barcellona 2016
Rd.06 Monaco GP
F1 Brembo Brake Facts 06 – Monaco 2016 | AutoMotoTV Deutsch
Rd.07 Canadian GP
Brembo Brakes Facts F1 – Montreal 2016
Rd.08 European GP
Brembo Brake Facts F1: Baku 2016
Rd.09 Austrian GP
Brembo Brakes Fact: Formula 1 GP Von Österreich – Austria
Rd.10 British GP
F1 Brembo Brake Facts: British Gran Prix
Rd.11 Hungarian GP
Brembo Brake Facts Formula 1 2016: Hungaroring
Rd.12 German GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: Grosser Preis Von Deutschland
Rd.13 Belgian GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: Belgian Grand Prix
Rd.14 Italian GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: Gran Premio Heineiken d’Italia
How Brembo Brake System works in F1
Rd.15 Singapore GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: Singapore Grand Prix
Rd.16 Malaysian GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: Petronas Malaysia Grand Prix
Rd.17 Japanese GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: Emirates Japanese Grand Prix
Rd.18 United States GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: United States Prix
Rd.19 Mexican GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: Gran Premio de México
Rd.20 Brazilian GP
F1 Brembo Facts Brazil 2016
Rd.21 Abu Dhabi GP
Brembo brakes facts Formula 1 2016: Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix